Author Archives: Polly

British High Commission Of Nigeria, Ghana To Compensate Scam Victims!!

By | 10/14/2015

According to the email I recently received from the British High Commission of Nigeria, Ghana, Benin Republic and Burkina Faso they have received a report about a scam committed against me and they aim to compensate me… “Due to the retrieval valuable properties and money from the suspected scammers arrested by our security agency. NIGERIA FINANCIAL… Read More »

Is Opinion Outpost A Scam? An Objective Review

By | 10/04/2015

Opinion Outpost Review Before I begin to discuss this company, I would like to impart a little personal information to you about my feelings toward taking surveys online. I think it is important that you understand my thought processes when preparing to either write a review or to just write something that is about surveying.… Read More »

Survey Money Machine Reviews

By | 09/28/2015

Interested In Online Surveys? So… want to be a survey taker huh? Well, if that’s the case, let’s have a look-see and find out a little bit about what is out there shall we? If you are going to become involved in this activity, you might as well go into it with your eyes wide… Read More »

Bill Gates FedEx Delivery Email Scam

By | 09/25/2015

Bill Gates is a very busy man. He is currently in West Africa working on a survey project. However, he has somehow found the time in his busy schedule to leave a FedEx package for me in the United Kingdom(of all places) in the care of FedEx Express. Hey! It could happen. NOT! This package… Read More »

Stop Getting Spam Emails

By | 09/16/2015

Dangers Of Email Spam I have had up close and personal experience with the horrible damage that occurs when you have an email address acting like the poster child for everything that could possibly F### up gets F##### up. I’m serious, my email account was shot down in flames because of email spam. Irrevocably destroyed beyond… Read More »