Example Survey Questionnaire-Does It bother you to Answer These Questions?

By | 12/04/2015


The following survey question examples are the 10 most commonly asked at the beginning of each and every survey you will encounter:

Example Survey Questionnaire

1. Are you male or female?

2. What is your age?

3. In what country do you currently reside?

4. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code)

5. Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?

6. What is the highest level of  education you have completed ?

7. Which of the following categories best describes your employment status?

8. Are you White, Black or African-American, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific islander, or some other race?

9. Are you Mexican, Mexican-American, Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Cuban-American, or some other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino group?

10. How much total combined money did all members of your HOUSEHOLD earn last year?

Of course, these are merely the most popular. Some companies tend towards the redundant by adding such questions as: “What year were you born?”, “What Month?”.Twice I have encountered the very personal sexual identity question and a couple of times they wanted to know political and religious affiliation. I draw the line at those.(I figure if the survey deals with religion or politics, I am not at all interested in anything they could possibly think to ask along those lines.)

surveysI’ve been participating in online surveys quite frequently for the past two months. During this time I’ve noticed that every survey(Literally, every single one)I have completed or attempted to complete, will always ask a similar basic set of questions to determine your personal demographic. The nature of these questions might be considered invasive by some(me for one)because they deal with private or sensitive issues.

For those of you who feel as I do you need to decide if you can live with divulging this very private information to random survey companies and people you don’t even know. Because in order to participate in %99.9 of the surveys out there, you will have to disclose the information.

To Answer Or Not To Answer? That Is The  Question.

questionnaireOf course, you always reserve the right to refuse to answer any of the questions. But if you refuse to answer, you will most likely be excluded from the survey right then and there. If this occurs with any sort of frequency, you probably won’t be invited to very many more surveys. Not gonna make any money like that.

Rock And A Hard Place…

I must admit that during my first attempt at online surveying, I was a bit reluctant to surrender some of the information they were asking for. So a lot of the time I would just click “refuse to answer” and 9 times out of 10 I would be screened out of the survey. That’s no way to make money and it was a source of great frustration for me.

I particularly objected to the last four questions on the list and steadfastly refused to answer in any way other than”Prefer not to answer” or some variation thereof.

Since my resurgence into online survey taking I have rethought the matter and decided that answering these questions can’t really cause any harm to anything that is important to me. It’s more like I have some serious personal convictions when it comes to classifying humans no matter what the situation.


Who cares if I am working or not as long as I pay my bills?

In my opinion, the questions which pertain to race should be eliminated because as far as I’m concerned there is only one race. The Human Race.

Discussing how much money you make, or asking someone how much money they make is not socially acceptable behavior.


So…upon further thought this time around and much more research and investigation, I decided to climb down from my high horse(took a little while because this was a particularly high, high horse)and just answer the questions. Especially now because this time around, I am actually making a little money.(To my complete and utter shock)

This is one of the reasons why I changed my mind:

Demographically Speaking…

questionnaire1Once a demographic becomes aggregated,(information put into a big pile) that is when you lose your singular identity and become nothing more than a number.  A number among many other numbers that were once people.

But now, they have participated in a survey, had their demographic aggregated and have been reinvented as a nameless faceless statistic compiled within some corporate report.


First You Take A Survey…

…the results are separated into piles of other results depending upon the responses given. With me so far? These piles where the data are accumulated are known as demographics. Then these piles of data undergo something known as aggregation. It means that all the demographics from all the surveys(the little piles of data)are thrown together to make one large pile of data. This is called aggregated data.

From this rather large pile of data come the statistics which is what you end up as at the end of it all. Nobody even cares who you are. That is why it doesn’t bother me to answer the questions anymore. At the end of it all I am nothing more to them than a faceless statistic and I like it just fine like that.

Of course, I could be wrong about the whole thing and online surveys are merely a secret plot by the government as a way to spy on the citizenry. Remember: It isn’t  paranoia if they really are out to get you. Joke people. Just a joke…or is it?

Seriously. I’m kidding.

Once Again…

…I feel need to stress the fact that taking online surveys isn’t an activity that can replace a full-time income. To do that you need something more consistent and reliable. Something like affiliate marketing. How would you like to…


I don’t exactly relax on the couch while working. But I am at home relaxing with all my comforts nearby. It’s quite frankly, the best job I have ever had. Please accept my personal invitation to learn how to become an affiliate marketer.


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